The Kitchens of Solidarity MUCI/Feed and educate the streets kids
For poor mothers and fathers the children, the most important problem is feeding everyone. The children are the first victims of malnutrition. A child underfed is more inclined to suffer from diseases and cannot study.
Two children or more in one hundred die of malnutrition. We must avoid that. Malnutrition affects adults also, they cannot give a good output at work. They suffer from anemia, tuberculosis and other diseases.
The economic crisis and malnutrition make us live in constant anguish in such desperate situations.

​​Don't throw it plant it-
Pa Jete li plante li
This project encourages citizens and volunteers to use seeds from fruits and vegetables after eating to plant those seed to keep the food resource renewable and sustainable.

​​1 million trees for Haiti
One of MUCI’s goal’s is to protect the Environment so that all life will thrive.
The goal is to plant 1 million trees to help reforestation of country. The “oldest science in the world”, consists of mixing the plantation of trees and agriculture. This allows an increase in agricultural productivity as the trees provide shelter from winds, the sun, while also allowing better access to water due to the trees’ root systems.
We always plant local species and also ones that produce something for the local population (fruits, leaves, Arabic gum, etc…)
In Niger for example, we have chosen 15 among the 3000 local species in function of what they produce and their adaptability to the conditions. Per hectare, these 15 trees species will allow higher revenues for the local population compared to a hectare that is being used for agricultural means
​​MUCOPHA: Pharmaceutical assistance given to the Poor, provides free medications for needy children and the poor.
MUCI- CEC: Credit Union serving approximately: 11,600 members and Volunteers.​