Our Story

Get to Know Us
MUCI was created March 14, 1980 as a school conceived on the solidarity of the volunteers by IDHES (Haitian Institute for The Economic and Social Development Of The Country).
After several decades, we still believe that the health of any democratic society depends on the services provided by its citizen volunteers.
MUCI volunteers are benevolent, in their spare time the offer; knowledge, energy, and many of their own resources to help others in and for the community.
Our goal is to contribute to the health and development of Haitian Society. As an organization the volunteers help protect the environment by raising food producing plants, in homes, community gardens, school, universities, rebuild our forest.
MUCI helps belong to a group, aims high and transforms one's life to benefit our country.
MUCI will help revive the civic duties so needed by Haiti to Blossom, Erase Poverty, and Once Again be a Great Trading Nation.